Baby, it's Cold Outside I Fairfield County, Connecticut Family Photography

Fall is a busy time of year for all families, but as a photographer and a mom it is like a whirlwind every September and October. While nothing beats Fall in Connecticut (if you ask me), I still love doing sessions right through December. So, I thought today I would share 3 reasons why I love doing cold weather seasons and 3 tips to make them a success for your family.

Why I love them:

  1. Golden hour is earlier - this works great for families with young children because you’re not having to stay up past bedtime for a photoshoot.

  2. The light is SO beautiful - the later into Fall we go, the more soft and warm that golden hour light is. I just love when the leaves are mostly fallen and I can filter that golden sunlight through the bare trees. It makes photographs sparkle!

  3. We usually have locations to ourselves! If you want to do a beach session in the Summer, you’re going to have to deal with crowds. Same goes for some of the beautiful parks around in the Fall - but wait until mid-November through December and you can pretty much bank on having outdoor locations to ourselves.

3 Tips for a Successful Cold Weather Session:

  1. Wear layers - put kids in layers, including long underwear! Hats, mittens and scarves look amazing in photos, but bulky jackets are better to avoid, so layering up will keep you warm and looking good.

  2. Bring a warm picnic - I love the idea of a hot chocolate picnic at a cold weather session. Bring a cute thermos of hot chocolate, marshmellows and cookies for dipping and we’ll make it part of the session!

  3. Go for half indoors, half outdoors - if you’re not sure you want to be outside for an hour in December, why not make it an at-home session? We can spend some time decorating the Christmas tree, putting out the menora, or baking some holiday treats, and then take it outside for some playtime during golden hour.

I still have a few full sessions left in my calendar in 2023, so reach out and let’s book your today!

fairfield county golden hour family photographer
Laura BarrComment